I've never played a DVD on my Linux machine and would like to know how.
I've attempted to play one with the 4 different players that are installed
on my machine.  No luck with any of them.  Here are the results --

Kaffiene -- Nothing but a black screen comes up, though the timer seems to
indicate that it is playing (clock is running)

Noatune -- Crashes with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

RealPlayer -- Crashes saying "The player does not have the capabilities to
play back this content".  Under details it says "Unknown Fileformat"

Xine -- Says "The stream " filename " use an unsupported codec:  Audio
codec: AC3 (0x0).  Start playback anyway?"  If I click "Yes", I get a black
screen, similar to what I see under Kaffiene.

Do I need to install some additional software to get this to work?  If I try
to play it on my doze machine it says I need to purchase a decoder.  Why the
hell should I have to buy a decoder to play something that plays in the
DVD/VCR machine?  I'm just trying to play it, not make copies of it or
anything like that, so what's the diff?

Greg Wallace

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