Greg Wallace wrote:

> What an ordeal, just to be able to play a video (and then you're still
> having problems).  So it seems xine and Kaffiene sort of work together and I
> need updates to both, is that right?  I haven't installed many packages
> outside of what is provided from SuSE (maybe 2 or 3).  Mostly software that
> comes with its own installation script.  I've also never gotten anything off
> of packman.  I just took a look out there and found gxine, xine-lib,
> xine-skins, and xine-ui packages. Looks like there's only one kaffeine
> package to worry about.  So if I just install each of those packages should
> that do the trick?

You're making things way too complicated, futzing around with individual
downloads from here and there. Life will be a lot simpler when you just let
the computer do the work. Use whatever package management system you want -
yast, smart, apt, yum or whatever. Add the packman repos, and then tell the
system to install a media player of your choice. It could be kaffeine,
mplayer, xine or whatever you prefer. The package management system will then
automagically pull in and install all the dependencies. If you want to play
dvds, also install the dvdcss libs, last I heard they were available on the
vlc site.


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