Hi James,

thanks for reply

'ordinary users' means what?  Not root?


On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, James Knott wrote:

Vince Oliver wrote:
Hi all,

I have Suse10. Recently I bought external HD (USB2.0 EXTERNAL ENCLOSURE
for 3.5" IDE devices). After booting, this devices was mounted on
/media/EXTERNAL and I could go inside this directory and each
subdirectories. Trying to copy some files tu the HD I got this message
"read-only". In the fstab file there was nothing abouth the new device
so I put:

/dev/sda5   /media/EXTERNAL  subfs   defaults 0 0

but there is no change except the message now is "Permission denied
(13)". I checked, and there is a permission to read, writeand execute
on this directory.  I was doing all this as SU. I do not really know
how to make this functionable.

Could somebody help me with this?

IIRC, format types other than FAT are mounted read only for ordinary users.

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