Vince Oliver a écrit :


I unmounted and mounte like:

mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/EXTERNAL

end with this message:

WARNING: Old FUSE kernel module detected. This means, some driver features
         are not available (swap file on NTFS, boot from NTFS by LILO),
         and unmount is not safe unless you make sure the ntfs-3g process
naturally terminates after calling 'umount'. The safe FUSE kernel
         driver is included in the official Linux kernels since version
         2.6.20-rc1, or in the FUSE 2.6 software package. Please see the
next page for more help:

it works.

Right now, I've not access to my linux box, but as far as I remember, I installed libfuse from the package of the SuSE 10.1 distro, I compiled the kernel with fuse support and it worked, don't forget to add "fuse" in the list of modules to load at
boot. I don't remember to have observed conflicts with subfs.

PS : another suggestion given in this thread was to use ext2/ext3 partitions and ext2fs anywhere in order to mount the partition in windows. I tried that but I got
sometimes errors and furthermore files are not contiguous (up to 50%)

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