Ysgrifennodd Hans du Plooy:
On Tue, 2007-02-27 at 19:18 +0000, Peter Bradley wrote:
However it has been flakey: and the once-a-month issue with the grapics card has been the least of my worries. Thunderbird regularly freezes or crashes and has to be re-started (in fact this is the second time I've written this because it just did it again). Sometimes the entire desktop locks up such that the only way to get out of the lockup is to turn off the power and reboot. Firefox crashes all the time. Updates sometimes fail - sometime leaving the desktop frozen as mentioned earlier.

I would run memtest just to make sure it isn't bad hardware - you never


Thanks Hans. I will be doing that, when I get the time. I'll be very upset if I find anything wrong. The machines on 6 months old.

This mail comes to you after 3 Thunderbird crashes and two KDE SIGSEGs. And my desktop now does not show any wallpaper and has no icons it. I suppose they'll reappear after the next reboot.



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