On Wednesday 14 March 2007 16:56, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> If Linux
> is ever to have a significant proportion of the market, it must be at least
> as big as the Mac market to survive, and it _must be user-friendly_ or it
> will be as dead as CPM and DOS.
        Hog wash ...

        ... MAC gave up "being" MAC and became MAC OSX (built on FreeBSD) 
because [in 
part] Linux market share (on the desktop) had exceeded MAC. MAC shifted to a 
unix-like format. The point is that MAC is a unix-like OS just as Linux 
is ... and they are both gaining significant market share threatening M$.  
Comparing a full multiuser true preemptive multitasking OS (like the Linux  
or FreeBSD Kernel) to CPM or DOS is like comparing a Ferrari to soap-box 
racer.  Give me a break.  

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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