On Saturday 24 March 2007 19:40, Ken Jennings wrote:
> On Saturday 2007-03-24 11:43, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> > The Saturday 2007-03-24 at 09:00 -0500, Rajko M. wrote:
> > > 2) Is there any bank that is asking for such identification for credit
> > > cards? There will be no so much problems with stolen identities if they
> > > would.
> >
> > I read somewhere that there are, yes; as an experiment, I think. Perhaps
> > I read about it on the ieee Spectrum.
> I know of a few universities that have moved to fingerprint identification
> for students.  The reader network is established in the libraries,
> cafeterias, snack bars book stores, and a growing number of establishments
> off campus. The students don't need their ID cards to check out books, get
> fed on campus, and they don't need to carry cash for purchases.

And who will try to pull out someones finger in the middle of cafeteria ;-)

Regards, Rajko.
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