
Pleased to be here.

I'm a SuSE Linux user since 1996-97, even a SuSE reseller from 1998 to
2001, and I've never found a problem like this, never, even in cases
when I have done many "bad things" with it: 

Konqueror bookmarks disapeears from time to time; a html file created by
myself with all links visited every day disappears from time to time;
several gigs of jpg
and video files disappeared; and last I've discovered this
morning all my Tellico databases disappeared !!! That's incredible!

I assure you I've done nothing so that this thing happens. My question
is, what's wrong with SuSE now?

I'm using OpenSuSE 10.2, on x86_64 architecture; ext3 filesystem; KDE
and GNOME; kernel 2.6.20 from repositories. I don't know what to do, but
if this is the behaviour of SuSE now, I'll completely remove it, and
install another distro o even change to BSD.

Thanks in advance, and I hope my poor English would be explicit enough
to understand this embarrasing thing.

Alejandro Ortega.

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