On 04/05/2007 07:01 AM somebody named Matthew Stringer wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using Thunderbird on my Suse Desktop for years but have grown ever 
> more frustrated with it's unreliability which seems to get worse with every 
> update.
> Main symptoms are it randomly fails to download mail, just sits there and 
> times out (POP3 or IMAP), I know there's nothing wrong with the mail server 
> and using telnet or another client on the same machine proves this. Or I'll 
> send a mail and it'll spend an age copying it to the sent items folder where 
> it'll time out saying it couldn't do this (no explanation why), try it again 
> and it'll be OK.
> If I try and re-install it, things improve but it's not long before it's 
> struggling again.
> I use it on an MS box too for my personal mail and it's fine, but on 2 
> openSUSE 10.2 machines with KDE it's hopeless.
> I've decided to bin this and try something else, possibly Evolution, is it 
> possible to import my mail from Thunderbird into this?
> What mail clients do the folks on here recommend for Linux?
> Regards
> Matthew

Three or four years ago I tested five or six different email clients and
decided on thunderbird.  My main considerations were ease of setup, ease
of use, number and quality of useful functions.  One must-have for me
was the ability to access multiple email accounts via IMAPS.  This ruled
out emacs' several offerings; since I'm a long-time emacs user and
really wanted to use this for email too, this was a major
disappointment.  Sylpheed was good at IMAPS, but not so good with other
key features (IIRC, attachments were a PITA).  Pine, an app I used for
years, was a headache to configure for multiple IMAPS accounts.
Evolution crashed too much.  I don't recall my dissatisfaction with
mail/nail.  Bottom line: Thunderbird was clearly the best of the bunch.
 So I've now been using it for three or four years and it's been stable
and functional.  There's a lot of nice add-ons for it too.  I haven't
noticed any problems accessing mail servers and I'm plowing through
thousands of emails per day; I'm in Cleveland (OH) and my mail servers
are in Chicago, Portland OR, and who knows where else... due to the
magic of the net, it doesn't matter.  I also read/write emails
occasionally at cybercafes.  You might want to look harder at your
thunderbird network configurations.  If using broadband, give your ISP a
call to find out if crappy packets are piling up on their side of your
modem.  This was a problem for me for awhile.  Clearing that made a big
speed difference for me.

I'm not religiously fervent about tbird.  Big parts of it need more
work.  Managing addressbooks is a pain, sometimes impossible.  I'd like
to be able to do more configuration of the keyboard in the composer and
elsewhere... so, like pine, I wouldn't have to use the mouse so much.
The composer has no native way to insert a file... that's ridiculous.
And there's other bogusities.  But like I said at top, I've found it the
best of the bunch.  YMMV.


"Genius might be described as a supreme capacity for getting its
possessors into trouble of all kinds."
        -- Samuel Butler
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