M Harris wrote:
> On Monday 09 April 2007 16:31, Doug McGarrett wrote:
>> If you're new to Unix/Linux, and you don't actually _need_VI, then use
>> something friendly like MC, or pico, or joe.  There's a whole text-book on
>> VI, and this is not a user-friendly thing, and neither is EMACS, altho the
>> old Unix hands will tell you it's the only way.  It's not.  If you never
>> expect to use a real Unix system, fageddaboudit!
>> (I've probably started a flame war here, but if you investigate for
>> yourself, you'll find that I'm right.)
>> --doug
>       Well... I'm just incensed here...   :-P
>       ... first off, if you're new to unix, the very first thing you *must* 
> learn 
> is vi, period, end of story. So, just pull out the info or man pages and get 
> cracking... you *will* need it before you grow up so just bite the bullet and 
> learn it... ok?... ok.
>       Second, emacs sux.
>       Third, well... go back to my first point.
Actually the first thing I do is try to get pico working. Nice little
very basic editor, and I would agree with Doug and go a litlle further
and say IMHO vi is interesting for those with a masochistic
disposition:-) I was gobsmacked when heard some lunatic had ported it to
M$ You need enough vi to make use of sed and that's about it.... I would
agree that some vi knowledge is required if only to remind you there has
got to be something better.

For cutting code emacs is a formidable tool, but it is not easy to learn
to use. However it is worth learning at least the basics. The main
problem with emacs is the range of functionality (e-Mail client,
computer language parser, Word processor, CVS manager, script
interpretor ). A secondary issue is the emacs buffer model does take a
liitle getting used to. About the only thing you cannot do with it is
make the toast.... :-)

As old DEC hand I say bring back SOS ;-)

fn:Graham T. Smith
n:Smith;Graham T.
adr:Barton upon Humber;;90 Bowmandale;;North Lincs.;DN18 5EA;UK
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