jdd wrote:
> Sandy Drobic wrote:
>> So, what would I gain from using a forum? I don't think I would gain
>> anything.
> the problem have been very often quoted: people asks for something. This
> don't hurt and uses very little work: do it!
> the real question is: do we need an _official_ openSUSE forum. Time ago
> most sems to say yes, but nothing was done.

What were the reasons that people wanted a forum? What demand would such a
forum serve? I am quite interested in the answer. It might not apply to me
personally, but I really would like to know.

One possible reason just came to mind:

The graphical Interface with lots of buttons could offer some hints for
the casual reader of the mailinglist, something like:

- how do I effectively ask for help, what should I describe etc.
- forum/mailinglist etiquette
- FAQ button: what/what not to post, search archive first for problem
  with link to search archive directly at you finger tips.

This would all apply to the casual reader of the list or someone not
interested in long-term participation. I would definitely want a button
called "UNSUBSCRIBE-HOW_TO" prominently displayed there. (^-^)

So, the answer is probably the possibility of better guidance for casual
readers of the list. This assumes, of course, that these possibilities are
indeed made available. I absolutely despise the uninspired uniform look of
most of the phpbb sites.

Again, this might not apply to me personally, but I imagine that it will
more appealing to people that do not have the yearlong experience with


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