John Andersen wrote:
> On Friday 13 April 2007, Sandy Drobic wrote:
>> The graphical Interface with lots of buttons could offer some hints for
>> the casual reader of the mailinglist, something like:
> The graphical interface IS the Problem, not the solution.
> After forums, next comes a demand for Avitars.  Then animated
> avitars.  Pretty soon you load several dozen meg across the net
> from an overloaded server just to read a one line post.
> I really see foam around your mouth?!?

Calm down. Everything has good and bad sides. I for one really am sick and
tired of the "unsubscribe" mails to the mailinglist and the often
following discussion that Darwin's Evolutional Theory must be flawed in
view of all the evidence against it.

For guys who post "unsubscribe" mails to the list such a forum might be
better than the mailing list. Though I definitely do not suggest to
surplant the mailinglist with a web forum.


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