Thanks Rauch,  it seems I was really taking the long way round!

rsync -av --include=*.patch.rpm --exclude=* --partial --progress

I just added exclude and include patterns to the command you gave me,
and it seems to be working :).


On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 10:21 +0200, Rauch Christian wrote:
> Prajjwal Devkota wrote:
> >         #!/bin/bash
> >        
> >         BASEURL="";
> >         WORKDIR=/usr/local/src/updates/patchrpms/
> >        
> >         cd $WORKDIR
> >         #get list of rpms from the patch directory
> >         wget -c $BASEURL
> >         #compile a list of patch rpms
> >         awk -Fhref= '/patch.rpm/{print $2}' index.html|awk -F\" '{print
> >         $2}'>list
> >         #and pull rpms
> >         while read line
> >         do
> >                 wget -c $BASEURL/$line
> >         done<list
> >
> > Let me know if I am doing something the "too long" way round.
> >
> > Prajjwal
> rsync -av --partial --progress --delete-after
> rsync://
> /usr/local/src/updates/patchrpms/
> should do the same job
> Chris

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