On Saturday 21 April 2007 13:06, John Pierce wrote:
> > Generally lockups are caused by hardware problems and are either
> > heat, power or memory related.
> >
> > I suggest you run the memtest86 for at least 1 day and see if there
> > are any errors show up. Also check your power supply and the CPU
> > temp when the system locks up. Intermittent hardware problems can
> > be very hard to diagnose.
> I ran memtest86 for over 9 hours last weekend and found no errors
> during the testing.
> Current cpu temp is running ~54C and ambient is ~21C.  I do not
> believe that it has passed those points and if so not by much.
> I am going to keep monitoring, but I have already noticed that I have
> not had a lock up today, and I converted the /home partition to ext3
> yesterday around 1400 hours.

If there were problems of the magnitude this suggest with the XFS code, 
then many, many other people (myself included) would be experiencing 
these or similar symptoms. I've been using XFS for several years and 
I've had but a very few lock-ups (fewer than five, I'd guess). I recall 
one that definitely happened on a Reiser FS partition. Processes 
accessing files and directories on that partition all hung in D wait 
states. (I have only one Reiser partition and chose it because that 
volume was large and meant to hold a lot of small files.) I have five 
other file system volumes, all XFS, across four drives, including a 
root and a home-dir partition. They have proved very reliable.

I think it's far more likely that this is a hardware problem.

Just because switching to ext3 suppresses the symptoms does not mean 
that the underlying problem is not still there, just that it is not 
manifest right now. If the hardware condition deteriorates, the 
symptoms or others may resurface over time.

Consider, too, the "folk wisdom" that some hardware which exhibits no 
problems when running Windows sometimes displays unreliability when 
running Linux.

> --
> John

Randall Schulz
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