On Sunday 29 April 2007 06:06, Andrew Senyshyn wrote:
> Maybe it's not so bad... but
> I used tail $HOME/.xsession-errors -f
> and fount that every time when I minimize, maximize, open, close window
> I get in .xsession-errors smth like
> X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
>   Major opcode:  19
>   Minor opcode:  0
>   Resource id:  0x18003c0
> Yes. I deleted 8gb file. after reboot and fsck new one was created.
> after 2 hours it is already 12kb.
> I disable xgl and beryl in xorg.conf and errors on minimizing,
> maximizing, opening and closing windows gone.
> I cannot still find out what does
> kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!
> kbuildsycoca running...
> means

Maybe, this answers your question.

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