On Tuesday 01 May 2007 13:52:32 peter nikolic wrote:

> That sounds very much like a failing hard drive rather than an software
> problem maybe you should get a little more intensive and give that hard
> disc a real goo test  cus it sounds like a garbadge can merchant  ..
> Pete

Hello Pete,

This (hard drive failure) is what I thought as well. But consider this:

Kaffeine is recording in this home partition happily even after the crash. So 
writing to the partition is still possible. It's just opening and/or closing 
of inodes or files that doesn't work anymore.... Also other partitions lying 
on the same hard drive work perfectly (reading is doing well (executing ls 
and so on)).

How is this possible... Processes that wait for one specific broken sector get 
stuck in kernelspace and thus suspending or killing is impossible?
Pretty poor behaviour I must say (to be honest I couldn't do it any better 

But still, how can i verify that it indeed is a hard drive problem? It could 
be a reiserfs problem, couldn't it?

How can I test my hard drive thoroughly? How can I tell the manufacturer of 
the drive that it is broken? They are going to test it and they won't find 
anything wrong.

I tried to delete some files and immediately afterwards the crash happend... 
After the reboot deleting the same files did work without a fuss. And I can 
imagine the files still dwell on the same sectors or on the same location...

off topic:
I am very pleased with this mailing list... We seem to get closer to the 
problem, thank you very much! I can imagine this is a rather boring problem, 
because it could be some sort of "personal" thing not concerning SUSE (or 
Linux in general). 
But still it would be very kind of the kernel or the programmes to provide the 
user with some useful information, when something like this happens. This is 
what we can extract of this matter, just as an excuse we don't waste all our 
time on this rubbish ;-)
To this is of course vital... so thanks again!

> On Tuesday 01 May 2007, Siegfried Wolkenstein wrote:
> > Hello again,
> >
> > this is very interresting I believe:
> >
> > I updated the system successfully to openSUSE 10.3 Alpha 3. Everything
> > except java works well. No problems at all.
> >
> > But then I started recording Musicvideos... After 4 hours I removed 4 GB
> > of my home directory (rm /home/name/kaffeine/somefiles*) and the system
> > got stuck!
> >
> > I switched to tty and found out that I could no more access my home
> > directory! Logging in with the username I usually use didn't work
> > anymore... logging in as root did work.. I was able to do everything
> > except killing X processes (of course most of them access the /home/user*
> > folders) and accessing the folders in my home partition didn't work
> > either...
> >
> > /dev/sda6 on /home type reiserfs (rw,acl,user_xattr,usrquota)
> >
> > After all I had to do a reset!
> >
> > So what can we read into this?
> >
> > Thanks

> --
> Suse 10.3 alpha2
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