On Sunday 03 June 2007 06:43, James Knott wrote:
> Anyone here remember doing assembly code in DEBUG?
        Back in the mid '80s we used "debug.com" at the Tampa lab to 
efficiently send 
printer control codes to the new line of Proprinters by IBM.  The same thing 
could be done with some trouble with Rom BASIC... but the simplicity of 
calling the bios from a com file for configuring a printer control stream 
couldn't be beat... 
        A buddy and I were all ready to right a "new" debug clone for linux (32 
But after getting used to yasm, and gdb, we decided to forgo the effort.  For 
those of you who never used it, debug was a combination of debugging tool 
(register display) and machine language monitor.  It was the latter that most 
folks were unaware of usually...  early .com files could be written quickly 
that would run hundreds of times faster than interpretted counter parts... 
and back then all we really has was BASIC, and some rather early level 
expensive Pascal from Borland and others.
        Assembler is having a bit of a revival these days because of the full 
32 bit 
flat memory model provided by linux (no worry about segmentation or near/far 
calls etc) and the fact that the C library can be used with it almost 
transparently. And for some of us--- messing around with the guts of the 
processor is just plain fun... 

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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