My new laptop (HP/Compaq nw9440) runs SUSE 10.2 exclusively. I do have
vmware and cxoffice for wintendo apps but no specific partition. My
only partitions are root, home and swap.

My company has a new policy coming into effect, requiring all mobile
devices have encryption built in. Though not entirely defined yet, I
thought I'd get a jump on the process and encrypt my laptop. Good idea
to do so, because I have source code, internal documents and whatnot

I googled and found two articles on encryption, one of which is SUSE

Both of them seem to point to creating the partition as encrypted. In
fact, the opensuse article discusses creating several partitions then
moving stuff to the encrypted one. :P

As I have my lapppie already built up and stuffed with important
software (TuxCart, Amarok, Kaffeine, Ardour, iLives) and entertainment
software (Netbeans, Visio, VMWare/XP) I don't want to re format if not

Any way I can go about encrypting without destrying the partitions?

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