Kai Ponte wrote:
> On Thu, June 7, 2007 4:17 pm, Hans Witvliet wrote:
>> On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 11:52 -0700, Kai Ponte wrote:
>>> My company has a new policy coming into effect, requiring all mobile
>>> devices have encryption built in.
>> Just wondering,
>> encryption costs (some) cpu-cycles.
>> Why ebcrypting evrything under root, usr, opt, srv, etc, tmp and var?
>> Everything there is public on the Net...
>> Shound't /home not be enough ???
>> Don't make life harder for your self then it already is..
> heh - good point
> That is my initial thought. One of the articles I referenced, however,
> mentioned how the root partition - particularly the FUBAR myriad of
> folders containing stuff - will have personal information. This is
> particularly prevelant in the tmp folder.
> I suppose I could just ensure tmp gets purged everytime I boot.
>> Hans
>> --
>> pgp-id: 926EBB12
>> pgp-fingerprint: BE97 1CBF FAC4 236C 4A73  F76E EDFC D032 926E BB12
>> Registered linux user: 75761 (http://counter.li.org)
>> --
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I would suggest adding in /tmp and the swap file. If you swap, the data might be
contained in the swap partition. The /tmp might contains personal information,
because many programs use the /tmp.

Joseph Loo
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