On Fri, 2007-06-08 at 03:30 +0200, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> The Thursday 2007-06-07 at 18:12 -0700, Kai Ponte wrote:
> > That is my initial thought. One of the articles I referenced, however,
> > mentioned how the root partition - particularly the FUBAR myriad of
> > folders containing stuff - will have personal information. This is
> > particularly prevelant in the tmp folder.
> > 
> > I suppose I could just ensure tmp gets purged everytime I boot.
> You can give tmp it's own partition and encrypt it. An var, if you wish. 
> And swap while suspended, I heard something about it.

  Which makes me wonder if one could not just create a separate
partition for the various directories that need to be encrypted, create
the directories on that encrypted partition and then link to the
encrypted directories from the unencrypted root partition?  The downside
to this I think would come at time for upgrade, when one would have to
clear the encrypted directories, 'sync' over the new data, and then
re-setup the links.

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