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Verner Kjærsgaard wrote:
> Hi list,
> - as I'm going to use OpenSuSE for this one, so it's not completely off 
> topic. 
> I think.
> - In Denmark a new law is being enforced by the 15th. of September this year. 
> It states that all internet activity must be logged, if you run a hotel or 
> similar. I do. 
> - this means I have to have a router/switch that gives out fixed IP-adresses 
> to fixed rooms. I can do that, we're not wireless but give guests access 
> through cables.
> - I now need to log all internet access per IP-adress/room onto a central 
> server - somewhere in the chain.
> - All in the name of anti-terrorism. Yes, I know, it's all in vain, it will 
> not keep any taleban or criminal from doing what they do. But that's not up 
> to me. I just have to log...however stupid this is.
> - has anyone any ideas as to how with what?

For Web and FTP

Squid as proxy server...
Use external firewall to lock external web access to machine hosting
proxy server...

Either set up an automatic proxy... or just give notes.

With E-Mail one can setup a similar config with local server acting as
relay for outgoing mail.

Local cache DNS with appropriate logging

Set up DHCP to deliver DNS settings,

You can run all of the above on the same box...

Static IP on network point managed by router is at best iffy for this,
the kit can be expensive and for your situation probably very high
maintenance. I would suggest a machine registration setup based on MAC
of guests machine or more manageably a certificate, If you dont register
you dont get access, I suspect most Hotel Front office procedures can be
easily adapted to manage this...

Charge for above :-)

Logs can be backed to CD/DVD so can be as detailed as your law requires.

I think the network equipment sector is in for some good time in Denmark.

I will refrain from quotes from Hamlet :-)

- --
I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.

Bjarne Stroustrup
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