John E. Perry wrote:
> Felix Miata wrote:
>> On 2007/09/01 00:41 (GMT+0200) primm apparently typed:
>>> I've 800 or so files and folders in a folder called nonmembers. I mkdir 
>>> another folder in the folder nonmembers called members. I want to copy all 
>>> the 800 files in nonmembers to members. 
>> The others' answers got you by, but consider for the future another option -
>> a text mode OFM, or shell. ...
> Or, if the two directories are on the same partition, just change the
> name of the nonmembers directory:
> ...
> then if you still want a nonmembers directory, mkdir nonmembers.
> John Perry

Sorry, a bit of sloppy reading, there.  This should do it:

> rm -r members
> cd ..
> mv nonmembers members
> mkdir nonmembers
> mv members nonmembers/members

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