On Sep 1 2007 09:02, G T Smith wrote:
>>> nonmembers folder at the command line. What do I type?
>> rsync -AHPSXav --exclude=members * members/;
>>> Sounds easy doesn't it.
>> Indeed, I am not sure why everyone tries to use cp, ls, grep and
>> pipes.
>Indeed (now rsync as well)...
>cp -dpP * members
>will actually do the required job...( I did test it after I wondered why
>everyone was missing the obvious :-) )

That certainly does not work.

10:14 ichi:../home/nonmembers > mkdir 100 200 300 400
10:14 ichi:../home/nonmembers > touch 100/100 200/200 300/300 400/400
10:14 ichi:../home/nonmembers > md members
10:14 ichi:../home/nonmembers > cp -Pdp * members
/bin/cp: omitting directory `100'
/bin/cp: omitting directory `200'
/bin/cp: omitting directory `300'
/bin/cp: omitting directory `400'
/bin/cp: omitting directory `members'

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