On Monday 10 September 2007 23:50, which is late night, Rajko M. wrote and now 
has to explain: 
> The 'cfdisk' is dependable program and easy to use, but that's not all,
> there is 'sfdisk' too :-) Looks like 'fdisk', but it is better, than
> 'parted'.

The 'sfdisk' looks like 'fdisk', but it is better. 
Than we have parted as another partitioning tool, that is installed by 
default. AFAIK parted is used by YaST. 

> > Thanks again guys and all ideas welcome on dividing up that 167GB before
> > I commit.

Adding partitions in empty space after already partitioned space is not risky, 
at least not more than any partitioning. The only operation that requires 
precision is if you resize partition that is between 2 others. 

The only advice that you need is to have in mind that you have 6 more left. 
So maximum 5 partitions of 10 GB for experimental systems, and the rest for 
archive where you can store iso files, backups, virtual machine images etc. 

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