You didn't mention which version on SUSE you were using, but I agree
that 10.2 specifically seemed unstable.

On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 07:56 -0700, Martin Mielke wrote:
> Hi all,
> since some days ago I have to create more documentation as part of my work 
> but I'm experimenting something *very* annoying with OpenOffice, specially 
> the first time it's launched although it might also happen (at random?) after 
> the 2nd or 3rd run: the system completely freezes. Even the keyboard is 100% 
> dead; the caps-lock or num-lock don't even work either, and the only way to 
> get it back to life is by restarting it... so everything is lost and I must 
> start over.
> These are the OpenOffice packages on my system now (the same applies for the 
> one at home):
> ---
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> rpm -qa | grep -i openoffice
> OpenOffice_org-2.2.1-43.1
> OpenOffice_org-kde-2.2.1-43.1
> OpenOffice_org-Quickstarter-1.0-514
> ---
> This happens with all kind of document formats and for a nerd like me who 
> (almost) uses the 20 desktops it's a good way to learn and use new bad words 
> when everything disappears on this end...
> Anyway, I also noticed that the recent versions of OpenSuSE are rather more 
> unstable (I'm a SuSE'r since version 5.3 IIRC)... this could be labeled just 
> as a personal perception if I were using OpenSuSE in only one system but I 
> have it installed in more than one "modern" system (i.e. dual-core CPU -both 
> AMD and Intel- , xx GB of RAM, big SATA-2 hard disks, etc) at home and at 
> work...
> Unfortunately I can't tell you a way to reproduce the problem so please bear 
> with me... and therefore I wanted to ask here if someone has been 
> experimenting such annoyances as well and what, if any, solutions can be 
> applied to get rid of them.
> As usual, thanks in advance for your time!
> Best regards,
> Martin
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