On 10/9/07, Stefan Hundhammer  wrote:
> And then something began that we remaining SuSE people wouldn't have believed:
> Not only did they realize the value of a well-known brand name "SuSE", they
> even did everything to absorb every tiny little bit of Linux know-how. Big
> and mighty 5000 people Novell started listening to tiny 350 people SuSE. The
> tail (SuSE) was beginning to wag the dog.

Thanks for that candid viewpoint Stefan.

Everyone only ever hears or sees what shows up in the media... a media
that seems to delight in pouncing on any tidbit and blowing it all out
of proportion.  We rarely ever get the view of the "other side" of the
story unless it has been sanitized by the marketeers and dare I say
it... lawyers <shudder>.

I hope the tail keeps wagging the dog :-)

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