Aniruddha wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 10:36 +0100, Wolfgang Rosenauer wrote:
>> So I wouldn't expect any lower downtimes or costs when you'd use Gentoo.
>> Sorry but I don't believe that Gentoo is doing a great job in keeping
>> compatibility and stability (over for example 7 years) so that you would
>> have to invest a lot of time to fix systems after "broken" updates.
> My experience has been otherwise, everywhere I have deployed Gentoo it
> required almost zero maintenance. However I must admit these were home
> users only. However looking at the cases in which Gentoo is deployed on
> a large scale (Medium to large clusters using Gentoo) I suspect it would
> be also suitable for a corporate environment. 

I have to admit that I never used Gentoo myself but can only try to
assume by their concept.

>> BTW your numbers seem to be wrong. I get 279 EUR für 7 years of SLED.
> My mistake, where did you get that figure?
Take 2x3years and 1 year in addition instead of 7x1 ;-)

> Another problem is that SLED has security support for far fewer
> packages. SLED only provides support for suse-oss and suse-no-oss which
> isn't a whole lot (I guess around 3000 packages) in comparison to
> Gentoo/Debian/FreeBSD which have security support for respectively:
> 12.000/22.000/16.000 packages.

One could discuss about guaranteed product features provided by a
company or voluntary work which might be done by the community (or not).
That is something everyone has to decide for himself.

> I have deployed Gentoo many times to absolute Linux beginners without
> problems. As long as you know how to click an icon on the desktop you're
> fine. Any problems I encountered could be easily (within 10 minutes) be
> solved through SSH.

Yep, that's 10 minutes of your time. Who is paying for that? You or your
customer? For how many customers would you do that for free?
(I don't argue that stuff like that could happen with bad updates
everywhere but in theory it should be covered by your maintenance
contract where you get support for that kind of stuff.)

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