On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 16:27 -0700, Sloan wrote:
> >
> > I tried that by removing and reinstalling the nvidia driver with zypper.
> > unfortunately this didn't work. What else can I try?
> >
> > It should also be possible to do this before rebooting if you change the
> > symlink to the kernel source. Is there a openSUSE tool for this?
> >   
> AFAIK the suse tools will manage the suse nvidia packages, which are
> built for the suse kernels - but if you're using the -rt kernel, you're
> going to be downloading the driver from nvidia.com and doing a manual
> install.
> Also, IIRC there are ways to build for a kernel you're not running,
> you'd have to run the nvidia installer with the help option to get the
> exact syntax needed, as I've never done that, but only remember seeing
> something about it in the nvidia installer options.
> Joe

Thank you for answer. By looking around in yast2 package manager I
determined that kernel-rt is at version My current kernel
is version 

The current symlink points to Changing this to
linux- (with ln -sfn linux- should solve
the Nvidia driver issue. Is there an easy way to manage kernel symlinks
in openSUSE? 

ls -l linux
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2007-10-14 20:49 linux -> linux-

/usr/src> ls
linux                  linux-      linux-obj
linux-  linux-  packages



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