James Knott wrote:
> Eberhard Roloff wrote:
>> David C. Rankin wrote:
>>> James Knott wrote:
>>>> Eberhard Roloff wrote:
>>>>> James Knott wrote:
>>>>>> Donald D Henson wrote:
>>>>>>> Some time ago, I remember seeing a discussion about a way to speed up
>>>>>>> the launch of OpenOffice.org modules. Now I can't find any reference to
>>>>>>> it. I can find references to 'quick launch' but that refers to putting
>>>>>>> icons on the quicklaunch panel. Does anyone else remember such a
>>>>>>> discussion or am I just going nuts in my old age? Thanks for any
>>>>>>> assistance.
>>>>>> IIRC, there's a separate RPM that has to be installed for the
>>>>>> Quickstarter.  On my system, the first time starting OpenOffice after a
>>>>>> reboot takes less than 3 seconds, after that, less than 2s.
>>>>> And as a matter of principle, I never install the Quickstarter.
>>>>> Although I am using 2 GB of RAM, I definitely see no benefit in
>>>>> sacrifising memory for something that I might _poosibly_ need to start
>>>>> during the day.
>>>>> And when I start OOorg it admittedly takes a little longer, but the time
>>>>> it takes then, is much less than the time I need to read this mail.
>>>> You're not sacrificing memory.  Should you fill that 2 GB, the least
>>>> recently used stuff will be sent to swap.  Linux does not have all the
>>>> issues that Windows does and works far more efficiently.
>>> I have only 1G of RAM and very seldom ever swap anything. The last time
>>> I can recall worrying about the amount of ram used by dormant program
>>> bits and pieces was programming array manipulations on my HP-28S with
>>> 32K of memory. I don't know how much oo quicklaunch takes, but I have
>>> not been affected by its absence. YMMV
>> OK, it does not do any harm, instead it has some positive effect..
>> Nevertheless please allow me to rephrase:
>> No matter how much RAM it takes or how much RAM I will (not) have, I
>> never preload anything, just on the basis that I might possibly use it
>> some time later on.
> Well, one could claim you're wasting RAM when it could be holding
> something, instead of empty.  ;-)
agreed! I will direct my humble efforts to filling it up... ;-))

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