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Jose wrote:
> Hi
> the device map is as follow:
> Suse102:~ # cat /boot/grub/device.map
> (hd2)   /dev/hde
> (hd1)   /dev/sda
> (hd0)   /dev/hda
> I think there is something weird going on with my posting, since
> yesterday I can't post to the list, but I am able to retrieve emails
> from the server, I am not sure why you would have got 4 copies, sorry
> about that, was not intended, at least from my side, I have sent a
> message to the list owner, I would see if they can correct whatever is
> wrong with my account
> thanks
> Jose
> G T Smith wrote:
> Jose wrote:
>>>> HI
>>>> Here is the menu.lst and fdisk -all:
> <snip>
>>>>   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
>>>> /dev/hda1            5951       17000    88759125    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
>>>> /dev/hda2               1        1275    10241406   83  Linux
>>>> /dev/hda3            1276        1466     1534207+  82  Linux swap /
>>>> Solaris
>>>> /dev/hda4   *        1467        5950    36017730   83  Linux
>>>> Partition table entries are not in disk order
> Hmmm Interesting ...
> What was requested was the contents of...
> /boot/grub/device.map
> Then people can read your menu.lst, and check whether the ordering issue
> above is relevant...
> BTW Is there any reason why I got 4 copies of this...
> <snip>

I think what we have here is a mismatch between how grub is reading the
partition order and the partition order in the partition table, you
might have better luck trying (hd0,2) rather than (hd0,3)...

You could verify this by going to the grub command line and entering.

find /boot/vmlinuz

which will give you a list of partitions holding the kernel ... if
(hd0,2) is there that is the problem...

Further info can be found at...


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