On Tue, 2007-11-13 at 21:39 -0500, Carl Hartung wrote:
> On Tue November 13 2007 07:39:31 pm Carl Spitzer wrote:
> > Tried that turned down start time to a minute and still no screen saver.
> > Here is my Dot xscreensaver file.  BTW screen savers work in KDE.
> > What am I doing wrong??
> Hi Carl,
> I could be wrong, but I thought the solution was to pick one screensaver 
> program to use and 'turn off' the other one. Isn't that what was discussed in 
> the longer thread I referred you to?

No the problem is the screen savers do not come on in Gnome.  I followed
the directions from the links in the earlier email and removed
gnome-screensaver.  I set the triger time very low as the dot
xscreensaver file shows.  No screen saver comes up.  I have it set for

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