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John Layt wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 November 2007, G T Smith wrote:


> Well, the simplified Xandros will get a run for a week or so, but part of my 
> excuse for buying is I hack on KDE4 (nothing major, but it fills the time) so 
> I'm eager to see how well we cope with the form factor, especially as Plasma 
> was designed with this sort of thing in mind.  KDE3 applications are a major 
> part of the eee, and I know they've had to hack some of the dialogs to fit 
> the screen size, so I'd like to see what we can do in KDE4 to make things 
> easier.
> So Xandros isn't a long term option for that, and I've heard the Kubuntu KDE4 
> packages may not be as good as the openSuse ones, so the green one will get a 
> run, even if only a dual boot from flash.  I don't think I'll try compiling 
> KDE4 on it :-)
> But yeah, it's the wireless and camera that seem the biggest issue, but 
> NDISwrapper apparently works and I can cope without a camera if needs be.
> John.

I get the picture... I am going to be watching how well the eee is
received after the initial launch with some interest... I still
occasionally miss my PSION netbook and although this has nothing like
the same battery life it looks like a worthy potential replacement...
and one could avoid the data synchronisation issues with the current
Nokia clamshells...

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