On Monday 19 November 2007 21:27:27 Lenz Grimmer wrote:
> Hi,
> Clayton wrote:
> > OK, computer started to swap like mad this evening.... lots of free
> > RAM.... but it is still swapping to disk, and not freeing the swap
> > space up either.  I will add a comment to the bug report....
> >
> > free
> >              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> > Mem:       2076040    1182912     893128          0      41784     559888
> > -/+ buffers/cache:     581240    1494800
> > Swap:      4192956    1472652    2720304
> Yes, this looks familiar. Plenty of memory free, but still lots of swap

That's usually a sign that something big was running, and eating up memory, 
forcing other things into swap, and then it exited (or crashed), freeing up 
the memory it used.

Seeing 50% free memory on a linux system that has been running for a while is 
highly unusual. It should be used for buffers and cache, if for nothing else. 
It is almost always a sign of the above scenario


Madness takes its toll
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