On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 22:22 +0100, Clayton wrote:
> I will try to run free and vmstat when things are going a little nuts
> and get a better picture of memory and swap usage.... the annoying
> thing about this problem is that sometimes it works perfectly as
> expected.  I just ran a test... starting at about 1200Mb RAM and
> 1400Mb swap, I launched X-Plane, Firefox, Opera, Seamonkey, VMWare
> (running 10.2), and VirtualBox (running WinXP).  RAM maxed out and
> things started swapping with swap going from 1400Mb to 2200Mb - what I
> would call expected normal behaviour.  Exited all the applications,
> and RAM was released, and some swap was released and it's now sitting
> at 1572Mb.  If I close down everything, log out and log back in, swap
> usage doesn't move.. or if anything swap use increases slightly on
> login.now it will never drop below 1572Mb swap until I reboot.  I
> expect that it'll top over 2000Mb in the next 24 hours... most of that
> while sitting idle.
> Now the annoying thing about this prob is.... sometimes for no easily
> discernible reason, during normal use (not the stress test I did
> above) RAM will not be maxed out, and the system will start paging out
> to swap... and swap use will go up.. and not be released.  eventually
> swap is maxed out, and the computer basically becomes unusable.
> Reboot fixes.
Well you did not mention SuSE 9.2 and Evolution so perhaps its one of 
the services root loads when getting to run level 5.  Try two things, 
first <crtl> <alt> F1 and as root init 3 and let it run about ten minutes
 then check top as suggested.  If its still a problem do init 1 and top
as before.  Also try this over night reboot to run level 1,3 and 5 on 
separate nights and see where swap gets to by checking in C-A-F1

If either of these cures the problem its something root or the system 
puts up.

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