On 11/28/2007 Will Stephenson wrote:
> KDE builds on Qt.  KDE is Qt plus a bunch o'stuff, but you can still write
> standalone Qt applications.
> GNOME builds on GTK.  GNOME is GTK plus a bunch o'stuff, but you can
> still write standalone GTK applications.

Thanks for the explanation. That clarifies some of what I "knew" but
didn't really "know".

> When YaST2 was designed, SUSE favoured KDE, so standalone Qt was the
> for a GUI-independent GUI frontend to YaST2.  On the KDE side we show the
> YaST2 modules in the (freedesktop.org) standard menu structure, and
used to
> show them in Control Centre as well.  Personally, I hope we will be
able to
> get them back in KDE4's System Settings.
> Will

Actually, my idea for integrating it into the menu structure was only
about half serious. I really expected to get blasted for it. BUT, in a
way it does sort of make sense. Through both these "new YaST" threads I
have seen a lot of people that aren't happy with where things are. SO,
they could make their own menus and put things where they want. "YaST"
is just a container, much like a menu, that opens other
"applications/modules" to actually do what your trying to do. In modern
machines the minor memory use to keep an unused window open is not a
problem but why does it need to stay open after you have the module your
going to use opened up. It's done it's job. When you open an application
with the KDE/Gnome/**** menu system the menu goes back to sleep till you
need it again. Imagine what a mess your desktop would be if the menus
were always hanging around with all the sub menus open [ would look like
the desktop on my better half's computer with her hundreds of icons
everywhere - UGH *<[:oP ] YaST, as a container, is almost superfluous.

Now don't anyone jump me for knocking YaST. IMHO, YaST is probably one
of the very best things about OpenSuSE. I've played around with several
other Linux distros and no one else has anything close. It's a fantastic
tool. My kudos to those that designed it and maintain it. They did/do a
wonderful job.
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