
On my new 10.3 install I set up 2 drives in raid1 mirror, using software
raid in yast. All seems to be working fine except in Kinfocenter>memory
swap is shown as not available. Yast shows swap with an "*" beside it.
My partitions are set up as follows:
/dev/md0 /boot
/dev/md1 /swap
/dev/md2 /
/dev/md3 /home
/dev/md4 /share

I'm not that familiar with tweaking swap and have only set it up in
yast>partitioner before with no previous problems. This is my first raid
setup so there may be an issue with that, but again, all others
partitions are working fine. I tried editing swap in yast to format it
again as /swap but it failed with an error code -3004.

Anyone know what this problem may be?

Many thanks,

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