Richard Creighton wrote:
> For many weeks, going on months, I studiously ignored the red triangle
> of the updater.   I weakened this one time.    I will NEVER trust the
> updater again.   All updates had been done via the YAST online update
> where I had some control over what and when.   Kinda defeats the purpose
> of the automatic updater, doesn't it?   I have filed bugreports until I
> am tired of being ignored.  
It is obvious that OpenSuse ignores the vast majority of problem
reports. There are great programmers working for them that have to
concentrate on their tasks given by the hierarchy. The moment you
publicly question the Novell hierarchy you are told to shut up.

And for good reasons, Novell is evidently even more in bed with
Microsoft then other financiers of Linux distributions.

> One nice thing about being a retired college professor after retiring
> from being a programmer for many years, is that I now have a lot of time
> to annoy Novel senior managment by trying to write lucid letters to them
> in the hopes that writing business case (read dollars and cents) reasons
> why it is to their interests to pay attention to these little details.  
> I live and breathe Linux, love SuSE and invoke Gates' name in vain as
> often as I can, but when stuff like this happens due to poor management
> decisions being made, Linux, SuSE and Novell (where the money comes
> from) all suffer in the long run.   We want the 'unwashed masses' that
> currently run MS to come and try out SuSE and abandon monopolistic
> offerings of Gates and Co., but when stuff like this is allowed to
> fester unchallenged, it is really unlikely that openSuSE, et al., we
> ever make that much of an impact on those we want most to switch.   If
> you have to be an ex college professor that taught OS theory in order to
> have a chance to succeed with openSuSE, what chance does the average
> Windoze schmuck have at success?   Only by great luck will he have any.  
The masses will be given a valid alternative
if and when the financiers decide it is in their own interest.
Unless people start speaking up together.
But most prefer swallowing trinkets and compete in their subservience.

Thanks for your efforts trying to make a difference, Richard,
however please don't let curtains and staged competition fool you.

Kind regards     Philippe
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