On Sat, 8 Dec 2007, Bryen wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 23:40 -0500, Bob S wrote:
> > Hello SuSE people,
> >
> > I plan to buy an external USB drive for my backups. I would really like
> > to do a commmplete and full backup.
> >
> > Can I make a "clone" of my SUSE 10.3 ? I mean bootable and everything. If
> > not, can I copy everything and then boot it from the DVD? Again, if not,
> > and I just want a backup of everything, must I partition the new drive
> > exactly as the original drive and rsync the partitions individually?
> >
> > I am thinking hard drive failure (could take it out of the enclosure and
> > replace the failed internal disk with it) as well as file corruption
> > backups. Used to use Kdar for backups but it isn't supported for 10.3 Was
> > always worried about a reinstall after a hard drive failure with all of
> > the extra stuff I have installed.
> >
> > Bob S
> I'd like to hear what others say about "cloning" methods.  But just to
> stick my two cents in, if you wanted to clone, I would suggest using dd
> rather than rsync.  And then just dd the entire partition by block
> records.
> Depending on what additional options you would want to use, the basic
> syntax would be:  dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/WhereverYouAreBackingUpTo/ (where
> if is your source and of is your destination)
> But if you're only interested in data backup, then rsync is probably
> your best bet.
> --
> ---Bryen---

I agree. dd will allow you to copy an entire partition block by block. This is 
good if you are replacing a hard drive and want to keep the partition layout 
the same.

Rsync is better for doing things like incremental backups. I use a home-grown 
script run from a cron job to do a nightly backup of my home directory to a 
second hdd on the same machine. It isn't a pretty script (in fact, it's 
pretty crude) but it does the job that I need it to do. It consists of only 
one line:

rsync --logfile=/var/log/home_backup -Ca /home/<username> /backup/<username>.

This just compares each file in /home/<usersname> with its corresponding file 
in /backup/<username> and copies any that are new or have changed, resetting 
the archive bit for each file. I also have set up the log file in logrotate 
so that it rotates the logs and keeps 5 days worth.

There are probably plenty of flaws in this backup method (I wouldn't use it in 
a business situation - I'd write something a little more sophisticated or run 
a commercial backup solution) but for my needs at home it works fine.

I hope this is of some help.

Rodney Baker VK5ZTV
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