On Sat, 8 Dec 2007, Dave Cotton wrote:
> On Saturday 08 December 2007 06:44:06 Rodney Baker wrote:
> > Rsync is better for doing things like incremental backups. I use a
> > home-grown script run from a cron job to do a nightly backup of my home
> > directory to a second hdd on the same machine. It isn't a pretty script
> > (in fact, it's pretty crude) but it does the job that I need it to do. It
> > consists of only one line:
> >
> > rsync --logfile=/var/log/home_backup -Ca /home/<username>
> > /backup/<username>.
> >
> > This just compares each file in /home/<usersname> with its corresponding
> > file in /backup/<username> and copies any that are new or have changed,
> > resetting the archive bit for each file. I also have set up the log file
> > in logrotate so that it rotates the logs and keeps 5 days worth.
> >
> > There are probably plenty of flaws in this backup method (I wouldn't use
> > it in a business situation
> Whyever not?

What i meant was that I wouldn't use my crude one-liner to do the job...
> > - I'd write something a little more sophisticated
> > or run a commercial backup solution)
> Which could well be based on rsync.

Yes, exactly. That was what I intended to imply.
> > but for my needs at home it works
> > fine.
> And for all the machines I do this for across Internet for the past few
> years.
> --
> Dave Cotton

Rodney Baker VK5ZTV
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