Randal Jarrett wrote:
> Thanks for the template.  I'll add it to the others and see if I can get
> something to work.
> As for the top vs bottom reply,  as you said it is a personal thing.
> I prefer the top reply. this allows me to see the answer to the reply in
> the preview window 
> without having to scroll down the whole message that I had previously
> read.
> On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 09:28 +0000, G T Smith wrote:
>> <snip>
>>>> Anyway, here are some of the elements you have to work with:
>>>> - The "find" command
>>>>   It has an option ("-print0") to print file names with NUL termination
>>>> instead of the usual newline termination.
>>>> - The "xargs" command
>>>>   It has an option ("-0"), a counterpart to find's -print0, that makes
>>>> it read file names with NUL termination
>>>> - The "unix2dos" command
>>>>   This does the basic text file format conversion.
>> IMHO Not really doable as a single command line, though someone will no
>> doubt prove me wrong :-) ....
>> Something like....
>> find <base directory>/* -type d >scandirs
>> while read SCANDIR; do
>>     do stuff with  $SCANDIR
>> done < scandirs
>> as a template for a script may work... If you know little about bash
>> scripting it looks like now is the time to learn....
>> if the directory structure is not too large putting the results of the
>> find command in a variable and feeding the variable to a for loop and or
>> to xargs may work (but xargs does have some limitations).
>> This is only a pointer to an approach...
>> BTW Please think before you place your answer, I am personally not
>> particularly religious about the Top Post vs Bottom Post argument...
>> (Strikes me as rather like the big-endian vs little-endian war in
>> Gullivers Travels) but it is a good idea to try an retain something
>> resembling a consistent flow to the history of an argument when
>> replying.....
>> Probably time to put on the asbestos underwear :-)
>> <snip>
>> - --
>> ==============================================================================
>> I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my
>> telephone.
>> My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
>> Bjarne Stroustrup
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