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Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Wednesday 2007-12-12 at 11:09 -0000, G T Smith wrote:
> ...
>> IIRC that this was more than a bit of a problem between different
>> versions of M$ Office Products, ("if M$ cannot get it right what hope


>> Is not the Open Document specification business an attempt to get away
>> from the pure bloody murder of trying to find a lowest common
>> denominator between different applications (or versions of an
>> application) so two (or more) people can exchange a usable document?


> However, regardless of the causes, the fact is that people used to
> Microsoft office simply will not use OOo while a document created by
> them or their friends and colleagues doesn't open exactly "right".
> I know it is so, because that's what they tell me when I try to convince
> somebody to switch.

I understand M$ in their collective wisdom have already extensively
revamped the interface in the lasted version of Office, to the
irritation of many business users (more training costs) and users (where
has everything gone?)....

I think is possibly more accurate to say, that most of the user
community when faced with the choice of something complex that they have
kind of got know how to work and something complex which they do not
know how to work, will not admit that the complexity puts them off the
change (i.e say "I am not able to do this"), and are not going point
something else (i.e say "This application cannot do this")... Even if
the formatting was perfect something else would be found to be at fault
for them...

I do rather think that by attempting to outdo M$ with features we do
miss a point (I think this covers more than OO). Offer users something
(apparently) simple to use that does the job (write a letter, a
document, or whatever) that does not look as if your taking a space
shuttle out on a jaunt with a talking paperclip when all you want to do
is write something... KISS (keep it simple stupid) has a lot going for
it for a lot of people. OK all the features can be there but they do not
have to be in the users face at the beginning.


> -- Cheers,
>        Carlos E. R.

- --
I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.

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