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The Wednesday 2007-12-12 at 15:22 -0000, Russell Jones wrote:

 An anecdote.

 I took recently a course on a school. They had OOo in the computers, with
 windows. Some of these computers also had office, but not all. Later I
 learned that the school installed OOo only, but the students installed
 themselves bootlegged copies of office, because they did not like OOo.

 Even the teachers gave us documents written in Word that did not open
 right in OOo!

 They also use and teach linux there. I myself used linux during the
 course, but I was almost the only one.

From the sound of it, the problem is not that they run Linux per se, but that they don't have enough sys. admins or they've recruited the wrong people. It's not reasonable to expect teachers to maintain their own systems or resolve any and all IT problems they have. Either they should be teaching or part of their role should explicitly be sys. admin, but only if they have the relevant skills.

Training could be an option, but again the right people need to be sent and using the skills learnt needs to be an explicit part of their job with sufficient hours allocated to it.

No, in this school, being a technical school, they do have the skills. They may not have enough time, though.

The problem they have is that although they expect students to use OOo, they don't force it, nor do they purge the computers of illegal software - which would be a very difficult task as the students are of the hacker/cracker type :-P

  I saw a group of students plant spy software on their girlfriends to
  find out how faithful they are...  Or planning to catch another student
  in a big lie: she was saying she passed the university entry exam top of
  the list, when she had failed. They snatched her password to get that
  info and publish it...

  Do you think the teachers could really keep those computers free of
  bootlegged software? They don't have enough eyes :-P

If you are thinking of the other anecdote I told, of the school where my friend was pushed to admin without real training, yes, you are absolutely right.

- -- Cheers,
       Carlos E. R.

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