On Monday 17 December 2007 13:44:20 M Harris wrote:
> On Monday 17 December 2007 12:22, Sloan wrote:
> > It would be great if the beagle devs could take a page from
> > the boinc playbook, and only use CPU when it is not being used by other
> > apps.
>    You mean like the windoze devs...?
>    cpu timeslice should *never* be in the hands of app developers. The
> kernel schedules the cpu, and timeslice....  not app devs.  (windoze never
> mind)

What's windows got to do with it. If you have an application that requires 
lots of resources but has a very low priority, what's wrong with saying to 
the kernel "only run this when nothing else is running"?

I think you're confusing "nice" with applications' getting priority when 
they're in the foreground (which is the windows strategy), but that's the 
other way around

Fortunately there is a way of doing it - with ionice you can set IO scheduling 
priority idle, and since it's the IO that kills you, it should be good enough


Madness takes its toll
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