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The Thursday 2007-12-20 at 06:28 -0800, John R. Sowden wrote:

I am still having trouble access the data in my encrypted partition. I found that the problem is about 17 bad blocks in the root directory. This is a separate partition from home or the encrypted partition,
or the DOS partitions for that matter.  I would like to do the following:
copy the secure partition to another drive, even a usb drive, without mounting it. mount the encrypted partition. I appears that this is a 2 step process. One is setting up the loop device with losetup and mounting the partition. I am not positive if I used aes or 2fish. Someone suggested that I run YaST. The problem is YaST does not appear to exist on the Suse 9.3 install disk in the Rescue mode.

Alternate idea: reinstall Suse 9.3 on the drive with all of my data, just saying do not format any of the data partitions on the drive, just the linux root partition. Hopefully reiserfs is smart enough to recognize the bad blocks and avoid them.

No, it is not.

Thoughts? Payroll data is on the encrypted partition and the natives are getting restless. Today the eagle flies!

I would copy the entire encrypted partition, with "dd if=device of=somebigfile", to another computer, or another HD. There, I would try to mount the encrypted filesystem - I wrote about that part on another email, the previous time you asked about this. Another possibility is installing 9.3 on another partition of that new computer or new disk, to access the encrypted data.

If the original disk may be bad, I would not even think of writing anything to it till the data is rescued.

Another alternative is using your backup - because you do have a backup of such important files, don't you? >:-)

- -- Cheers,
       Carlos E. R.
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