On Saturday 22 December 2007 00:10:23 Markus Koßmann wrote:
> Am Freitag, 21. Dezember 2007 schrieb Rodney Baker:
> > Whilst this isn't a showstopper (and I can get around it by disabling the
> > size column in the folder list), I'm wondering if anyone else on the list
> > is running a similar setup and may have noticed this behaviour (perhaps
> > even with a different IMAP server)?
> I'am seeing the same problem with my email providers's IMAP server, which
> calls itself " GMX IMAP4 StreamProxy ". So it doesn't seem to be a dovecot
> problem.
> And no, compressing the (sub)folder after moving/deleting emails from that
> folder doesn't change anything, the size remains the same.
> KMail version is 1.96 enterprise 0070904.708012 KDE 3.5.8 release 22.3
> openSUSE

With further investigation I have come to the conclusion that, when talking to 
an IMAP server (or, at least, a dovecot IMAP server using Maildirs for mail 
storage), the folder sizes shown in the folder list have no connection 
whatsoever with the amount of data actually stored in the relevant folder.
A quick comparison of the output of du -h and the folder sizes in KMail 
confirm that.
du -h
172K ./.APRS-Sig/cur                                                            
KMail says 1.6kB
336K ./.Xastir/cur                                                              
        KMail says 1.6kB
452K ./.Repeater_Builder/cur                                                    
Kmail says 2.2kB
20K ./.Yaesu-FT8900/cur                                                         
        Kmail says 1.2kB (with a 22kB email)
1.1M ./.OpenSuse/cur                                                            
Kmail says 292.8kB
8.0K ./cur                                                                      
                This is the Imap inbox - KMail says 916.2kB (with no 
11M ./.Laura/cur                                                                
        Kmail says 38kB
812K ./.Comics/cur                                                              
        Kmail says 27.4kB 
136K ./.Radio_Mods/cur                                                          
Kmail says 1.8kB

This is just some of the maildir folders with read mail in them. Since the 
same symptoms occur with other IMAP implementations I would agree with 
Markus - it does not appear to be a dovecot-specific problem.


Rodney Baker VK5ZTV
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