M9. wrote:
> Carlos E. R. schreef:
> > The Monday 2007-12-24 at 09:54 +0200, Dave Plater wrote:
> > ...
> >> All I want for Christmas is a yast that saves its installed rpm,s or at
> > They are preparing that for opensuse 11.
> >> least help ( directions to routine that clears cache to save me
> hours of
> >> looking for it ) to change it myself.
> > Dunno... but I think the download directory is arbitrary, not constant.
> > I'm thinking. If, while it is downloading, you discover where it is
> > downloading (use 'ps afx|less', for instance), and then hardlink each
> > rpm there to another location, they will not be deleted from the disk:
> > they will dissapear from the yast directory, but not from the other. But
> > you have to do this fast, before yast deletes each one.
> > As to the piece of code... dunno. Somebody will know. Perhaps in the
> > factory list.
> > Sounds interesting.
> > -- Cheers,
> >        Carlos E. R.
> It certainly does.
> An option to save or not, default off, could be made, whereby the rpm's
> are moved to another dir, instead of deleted.
> especialy when testing stuff, sometimes things get broken, beyond repair
> when not having working pkgs.
> Which now sometimes causes to do a new install, which is not the same,
> and can have issues, that weren't there before..
> One should have 2gig spare room for a downgrade to store..
> one could downgrade the whole at once, or look for the pkgs that have to
> be temporarely replaced.
> This will not be very easy, as sometimes very many pkgs are involved,
> with many, many deps to solve...
sorry I took so long to say thanks. I have joined the yast development
mailing list  and have downloaded the yast documentation package.
By the way the kernel you are running was the one I last crashed my
system with trying to get the nvidia video drivers to work with it. I
did not quite understand the workings of pata and my system didn't see
the hard disk after kernel compilation and then yast stopped working and
x but thanks to having everything it took a few hours to have a better
system with my 10.3 beta 2 cd and my local repository. I have reverted 
to my  old  kernel.  I can't seem to get the nvidia installer
to work on the 2.6.24 one.
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