David C. Rankin wrote:
Aaron Kulkis wrote:
David C. Rankin wrote:
Aaron Kulkis wrote:
But why not just use the Install/Repair CD and partition
your new sda properly, and make sda5 type swap again?

    Both sdb and sdc are fully partitioned in the hardware raid with:

                         69972     15457     50902  24% /boot
                      20641788   5114476  14478672  27% /
                     219648612  12348660 196142408   6% /home

What does any of that have to do with sda?


        sda was experiencing unrecoverable disc errors. It was dying and had to
be replaced. That's what started this thread. The raid above doesn't
contain swap and I didn't want to just remove sda and risk screwing up
the raid created out of sdb and sdc by trying to repartition the discs
in the raid array to try and shoehorn a swap partition on them.

        The downside is rebuilding the entire system again if something goes
wrong and I don't have the time to jack with it. I'm not just talking
about reloading the system, I'm talking about dhcp dyn dns postfix
procmail mysql etc.. It may be easy and the partitioning may work, but
it was a whole lot easier just to put a healthy sda in create swap and go...

That's what I would do.

Replace the failing disk,
partition it properly,
and resume computing.

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