On Sunday 06 January 2008 16:15:02 Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Billie Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-06-08 09:56]:
> > Cristian Rodríguez wrote:
> > > Oh..I see.. I will have to change my email message quotes, not due the
> > > highly dubious and questionable article you linked, but because it
> > > created yet another useless, off-topic discussion... **sigh**
> >
> > I wouldn't worry to much about it. It seems that most posts on this list
> > tend to run off-topic after the first couple posts.
> Yes, Chris is *sadly* missed here.  This thread would have been
> *terminated* and those ignoring the termination would have found
> themselves unable to post.

You're one of the worst off-topic posters around, so I don't think you should 
speak too loudly

In any case, it was Saturday. Some days you have to let loose

Madness takes its toll
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