Hello Aaron,

On Sunday 06 January 2008 22:14:59 Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> Clive Rogers wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > No jokes please as I find them offensive.
> What jokes?

Jokes about yomama is so big etc.

> > Back in SuSE 6.3 I used to use this program for my
> and "this program" is which program, exactly?
>  > astronomy images.  I can not find a source for it
>  > even Googling turns up pages that no longer exist.
> Hmmm. interesting
> > Does anyone know of a source for this program from Yale Uni ?
> Considering that we don't even know what program
> you're talking about... in short: NO!
> Come back when you have a better description of
> what it is you're looking for, like...oh I don't
> know... a NAME maybe?

The name of the program is in the subject line.  Its called YoMama (Yale 
Observatory iMAge Manipulation Applicationfrom).  I think it was written in 
Java but am not sure been too long since I ran the program.

> Ask an incomplete question, get an incomplete answer.

Kindest regards,


Fighting for darker skies.
From 52:26ºN 01:27ºW (Coventry, UK)
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