Timothy Cahill wrote:
> On January 9, 2008, Dave Plater wrote:
>> Rajko M. wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 08 January 2008 02:33:39 pm Timothy Cahill wrote:
>>>> installed from the live version. One annoyance is that I cannot see rpm
>>>> package descriptions for most of the rpms that came with the DVD. When I
>>>> browse the DVD using Konqueror, I can see that the descriptions are
>>>> there, but in YAST2 the description tab is blank of all information
>> I used to have that problem when I had an rpm only directory for my
>> local repository (still wishing for a yast that saves rpms ) . It came
>> right when I used createrepo to index the repository. The descriptions
>> you see are contained in the rpm itself and createrepo places them in a
>> gz compressed xml file in the repository. This is what takes a lot of
>> time to download when a large repository refreshes.
> Following your suggestion, I'm considering copying the DVD to harddisk, then 
> running createrepo against the HD version. 
> Too bad the live DVD ships with this problem. Doubly unfortunate that the 
> SuSE 
> team's policy is to leave flawed/broken distributions as is. It seems that 
> this could be an easy thing to fix as a 10.3.01 release. While they were at 
> it they could fix the broken link in YAST2's add community repositories 
> application.
>>  KPackage, kde's package manager reads the description straight from the
>> rpm. I don,t know what smart does, I've never got it to work properly.
>> Dave
> I'm now using SMART as my software manager, and it is working perfectly. From 
> these directions 
> http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/suse-linux-help/108589-howto-install-use-smart-opensuse-10-3-a.html
> I did:
> # zypper sa -r 
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/smart/openSUSE_10.3/smart.repo
> # zypper ref smart
> # zypper install smart
> #  smart channel --add 
> http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/files/smart/opensuse-10.3.txt
> AFter this, I run smart from the KDE menu System --> configuration
> Initially, the repositories (called channels by SMART) must be updated, and 
> then I can download any new software or updates. The two most excellent 
> things about smart are 1) if a download times out, you can just Apply the 
> marked changes again, and smart only downloads the items that were not 
> successful the last time. because 2) smart keeps local copies of everything 
> it downloads. 
> Let me know if you'd like further assistance. 
My problem with smart is, it complains about keys for quite a few
packages in my local repo and I have to press enter for each complaint.
I tried entering a few keyservers and downloading every pgp key I found
in the online repositories, after reading smart's online help, but still
no luck. It's the "keeping a copy after install feature I like", at the
moment I use yast to find program and dependents, download rpms and then
restart yast to install from local repo. I only update the main
repositories when I need to search for a newer version or something.
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